
GPTs2D: Visual Version of GPTs and the GPT Store

Explore dynamic conversations with GPTS-2D, the visual upgrade to ChatGPT. Enhance interaction, choose follow-ups, and enjoy a diverse chat experience.

By Matthew Rutherford

gpts2d intro image

GPTS-2D is like the cool visual upgrade for ChatGPT that makes talking even more awesome. Instead of just one way chats, it suggests cool follow-up ideas, so you can explore lots of paths at the same time. It's like having four conversations at once, making things way more interesting.

This new way of chatting is not boring and gives you more choices. GPTS-2D is all about making conversations diverse and fun. It's like a chat adventure where you get to decide where to go next. The launch of GPTS-2D and the GPT store brings lots of exciting possibilities, making talking to ChatGPT way cooler and user-friendly. Now, chatting is not just about one way, and you can explore different ways to talk. So, get ready for a whole new chatting experience with GPTS-2D!

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