
OpenAI's ChatGPT can now "See, Hear and Speak"

OpenAI's ChatGPT leaps towards a new era of AI with its voice and image interaction features, bridging the gap between textual and real-world experiences.

By Matthew Rutherford


The recent unveiling of new voice and image capabilities in ChatGPT by OpenAI has piqued the interest of tech enthusiasts and the general public alike. This innovative upgrade offers a more intuitive interface that aligns with natural human interaction, letting users have voice conversations or visually share their experiences with ChatGPT. It's a step towards a future where AI comprehends and interacts with our world in a more nuanced manner.

Speak with ChatGPT

Engaging in vocal dialogues is now a reality with ChatGPT. You can have back-and-forth conversations with your assistant, making interactions smoother and more natural. Whether you are settling a dinner table debate or requesting a bedtime story, the new voice feature is set to enrich the user experience.

Chat about Images

ChatGPT's image understanding feature is powered by advanced models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, enabling a wide range of image analysis. From troubleshooting grill issues to exploring meal options by sharing images of your fridge, the possibilities are extensive.

Showing ChatGPT Images

With a simple tap, users can now share images with ChatGPT, opening up a realm of interaction that was previously text-limited. Analyzing complex graphs for work, or discussing multiple images has never been easier. The new image-sharing feature is a testament to the evolving capabilities of ChatGPT, making it a more powerful and interactive tool in our daily lives.

The enhancements in ChatGPT mark a significant move towards multi-modal artificial intelligence. ChatGPT now engages in voice interactions and image discussions, courtesy of a new text-to-speech model and integration with image generation models. This, coupled with the introduction of DALL-E 3, opens up a more intuitive way of interaction, bringing us closer to AI that perceives the world similarly to humans. The upgraded features are expected to be rolled out to Plus and Enterprise users initially, with developers gaining access later.

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