
Build Beautiful Websites Faster Than Ever with v0

Vercel's new product v0 uses generative AI to help developers build the first iteration of their product.

By Claire E. Hartmann

Image source: Vercel

If you're a developer who's looking for ways to streamline your workflow and get more done in less time, then v0 is worth checking out. This tool uses generative AI to automate the process of creating basic UI elements, which can save you hours of coding time. It uses open-source tools like React, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn/ui to generate code. It's is currently in Beta with a free plan that includes 200 credits.

Here's how v0 can help you code faster:

  • Automate UI creation:

    V0 can generate code for common UI elements, such as buttons, forms, navigation menus, and even a whole sections or admin dashboards. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if you're working on a project with a lot of UI components.

  • Focus on the important stuff:

    By automating UI creation, v0 allows you to focus on the more creative aspects of development, such as design and functionality.

  • Get to market faster:

    With v0, you can get your product to market faster by reducing the amount of time you spend coding.

With v0, you can save time, focus on what matters, and get your product to market faster.

Let's see how easy is to use v0 for your projects.

1. Create an Account

Visit the v0 website and create an account using Vercel. You will be asked to login if you start writing some prompt, or you can login via menu in the top left corner. You can use your email address and password, or you can sign in with GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket.

2. Select a Plan (optional)

v0 offers three pricing plans: Free, Premium, and Enterprise. The Free plan allows you to generate 200 UI components, which is enough for most basic projects and it's a default plan. The Premium plan costs $20 per month and allows you to generate 5,000 UI components. The Enterprise plan is a custom plan for companies and teams.

All paid plans come with the option to generate in private, so your generations will not be publicly available to all.

3. Describe Your UI

Now you can start describing your UI. v0 uses natural language processing to understand your descriptions and generate React code accordingly. You can describe your UI in as much detail as you like, including the layout, components, and styling.

4. Preview and Edit

v0 will generate a 3 previews of your UI so you can choose what suits you the best.

We find the first version to be the best, so now we can edit it. You can edit by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the input prompt, and then choose which element you want to edit.


5. Use Your Code

Once you are happy with your UI, you can copy or install your code. The generated code is in React or HTML, so you can use it to build your website or app.

Don't forget to have shadcn/ui installed.

npx shadcn-ui@latest init
That's all. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a newcomer to the field, v0 can streamline your workflow and help you create stunning and functional interfaces as you can see in our example. As v0 continues to develop, new features will be integrated, such as support for custom design systems, theming, transforming images to code, and enhanced security and access controls

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