
How we rate

Unveiling Our Comprehensive Review Process

Introducing Develop Build's Review Process: A Deeper Look Into How We Evaluate AI Software, Updates, and Tools

Reviewing and assessing products in the world of AI can be quite the challenge. Each reviewer brings a unique perspective and approach, making every evaluation distinctive. At Develop Build, we've designed a comprehensive review framework that maintains consistency while honoring the individuality of our reviewers. Here's an inside look at our methods and how we assign ratings.

Our Approach to Reviews

At Develop Build, our reviews are grounded in practical, real-world experiences with each product. Our team extensively uses the AI software, updates, and tools in question over a substantial period. Unlike relying solely on specifications or brief encounters, we integrate the products seamlessly into our daily routines. Whether it's AI-powered applications, software, or hardware, our goal is to provide readers with an authentic understanding of what it's like to incorporate the product into their own lives.

The Scoring System

Every product we review receives a score, reflecting a combination of performance, value, and subjective considerations. Our scoring system is not a simple average; our editors have the flexibility to adjust the score to better encapsulate the overall assessment, accounting for factors like price and qualities that might not fit rigid criteria.

The score assigned to a product is a snapshot in time, relative to other offerings available at the moment of the review's publication. Keep in mind that a product's score may differ if reviewed at a later date.

Flexibility and Updates

Our review scores may be subject to change due to software updates or other alterations. Although this is a rare occurrence, we commit to providing clear explanations whenever such adjustments are made.

The Rating Scale

We utilize a straightforward 10-point scale for scoring. Below is a concise overview of how we interpret the numbers. Please note that all review scores are whole numbers; we no longer employ half points or decimals.

  1. Unfavorable - Lacks value and usability.

  2. Avoid - Strongly recommend against considering this product.

  3. Below Average - Not recommended.

  4. Mediocre - Significant issues and limitations.

  5. Fair - Mixed performance, with notable drawbacks.

  6. Satisfactory - Contains both strengths and weaknesses.

  7. Good - Solid overall, though not without flaws.

  8. Impressive - Minor or negligible flaws.

  9. Exceptional - Approaching perfection.

  10. Outstanding - The pinnacle of excellence.

At Develop Build, we're committed to providing you with informed and comprehensive insights into the world of AI software, updates, and tools. As we continue to explore and evaluate AI advancements, we invite you to join us on this informative journey.

Last updated August 18th, 2023, by Michael Bires.